Our Services

Our statutory service for the inspection and Fumigation of commodities for export from Nigeria at ports of shipment, processing mills, seas ports, Airports, and border towns throughout the Federation for the purpose of enforcement of grades and standards of quality services are


Pest-Control of produce through pre-shipment fumigation or prior to local processing at the registered produce warehouses and processing mills...


Inspection of packaging to ensure proper markings sewing, sealing of graded produce to avoid tempering, and weighing produce to ensure compliance with approved standard weight...

Quality Checktesting

A quality test conducted on Agricultural produce before receiving produce into a registered warehouse and prior to loading for Export by ensuring its conformity with the prescribed quality export standards...


Spraying and dis-infestations of produce stores, ship holds hatches, containers and other produce receptacles in order to control pest in stored produce...


Monitoring of produce movement at the nations Border posts, sea port and airport to ensure compliance with Produce Export Regulations...

Export Statistics Data

Rendering statistical data to Export Commodity Coordinating Committee (ECCC) to among other functions ensure payment of mandatory levies for Nigeria’s membership of International Commodity Association....

Laboratory Analysis & Research

FPIS Laboratory Services is the arm of the Agency that investigates and pronounces on the quality, safety, efficacy and wholesomeness of all Export Produce and for locally crush mills ...


issue certificate of quality fumigation, good packaging material and weight to all Agricultural produce that passed quality test and are exported out of Nigeria...

Federal Government Levy Enforcement

To ensure that all Statutory Government Export and Fumigation Levies are paid accordingly through a procedure obtainable at Federal Produce Inspection Service office...

Training of Warehouse/Store Keepers

Organizing training and enlightenment workshops, seminars and conferences for Federal Produce Inspection Service staff and other relevant stakeholders...

Licensing Export Produce Warehouse & Produce store keeper

Federal Produce Inspection Service (FPIS) has the responsibility to register all warehouses and Mills within the zone that are involved in handling of Agricultural produce whether for local purposes or exports....