Inspection and quality control of all agricultural produce to ensure compliance with internationally prescribed grades and standards as a precondition for export.
Conduct arrival/shipment Check-test on all agricultural produce prior to export at a registered produce stores/ warehouses and processing factories, to ensure they conform to prescribed standard before they are either exported or crushed.
Fumigation to control pest infestation during storage or prior to export of all Agricultural Commodities.
Spraying and disinfestations of produce stores, shipholds, hatches and containers or any other receptacle used in carrying agricultures produce inorder to control existing pest.
Inspection of packaging to ensure proper packaging materials, markings, sewing and sealing of all graded produce.
Check weighing all agricultural produce for export to ensure compliance with approved standard weights.
To help our officers to stick to their duties and functions as the law permit.
Identification and rejection of any poor quality produce on arrival and deteriorated produce in storage.
Enforce payment of Government Statutory Fumigation and Commodities Export Levies.
Issuance of certificate of inspection, quality, weight, fumigation and good packaging materials to facilitate repartition of foreign exchange on sale of exported produce and generate data on export of agricultural produce.
Monitoring of non-oil export (Agricultural Commodities) at the nations seaports, airport and boarder post to ensure compliance with export regulation and statistical data collection.
Organizing training and enlightenment workshops, seminars and conferences for Federal Produce Inspection Service staff and other relevant stakeholders.
Rendering statistical data on volume of Export of Agricultural Commodities to Federal Government and to other relevant stakeholders like Export Commodity Coordinating Committee (ECCC) to ascertain the total quantity of produce exported from Nigeria.
Advising the Federal Government of Nigeria and other stakeholders on produce quality control and fumigation matters.
Represent Federal Government of Nigeria at national and international commodity association meetings like CODEX alimentations where international commodity standards are set in collaboration with other relevant Agencies.